Version: | 1.2 |
Table Of Contents
- Foreword
- Installation
- Set up (tSync)
- Operation
- Set up Remote Machine (tSyncRemote)
- Uninstallation
- For Windows Vista/7/8/10 Users
- Contact Developers
This software was started as the expansion of the Windows-provided means to synchronize system clock. What was missing in the Microsoft implementation is the ability to specify how often I needed to do the sync. I was using my PC to record TV and radio programs on schedule but unfortunately my system clock was very inaccurate and could run ahead of time more than a minute a day. That was not acceptable!
There was also need for me to synchronize computers on a local network. One was the Digital Video Recorder and the other one provided Activity Logs that had a direct correlation with the DVR data. Unfortunately even a slightest variation in system clocks posed quite a challenge when analyzing video data recorded by the DVR. Of course I could've used the "net time" command, but that required additional set-up of a NET time server, plus I would need a script to automate it, and on top of it, it didn't have a visual interface and the capability to sync more than one machine at a time.
The tSync utility was able to not only solve the problems of synchronization, it also automated it for me and added additional features such as:
- Ability to specify a list of my own NTP time servers to use for synchronization.
- Perform power operations, such as shutting down, rebooting, logging off users, going into Stand-by Mode, or hibernating my remote machine(s) from a single terminal running tSync.
- Turning monitors on and off, activating screen-saver, and locking Windows workstations on remote machine(s) from a single terminal running tSync.
- And optionally, running files and commands on remote machine(s) from a single terminal using tSync.
tSync package does not require installation. The downloadable package includes the following files:
- The main executable file needed for the Internet and/or network synchronization.INFORMATION: Move this file to any location on your hard drive (Example: "C:\Program Files", or even "My Documets" folder).
IMPORTANT: Do not move this file to a removable or temporary medium and/or folder, such as Jump Drive, Flash card, floppy disc, CD, DVD, etc.-
- The executable file needed to be installed on each remote machine on a network if you'd like to use the tSync's remote interface features.INFORMATION: Move this file to any location on your hard drive (Example: "C:\Program Files", or even "My Documets" folder).
IMPORTANT: Do not move this file to a removable or temporary medium and/or folder, such as Jump Drive, Flash card, floppy disc, CD, DVD, etc.
INFORMATION: This file is not necessary if Network Synchronization and interface is not used. RELEASE NOTES.txt
- A text file giving developers' release notes for each version of the software.INFORMATION: You can use this file to see what improvements were made in the latest version of the software.
INFORMATION: This file is not required for the operation of the software and should not be moved along with the files specified above.
If you run any of the executable files from a downloadable ZIP archive (or from a temporary or non-fixed location), you will see an automatic installation feature. In that case simply follow the on-screen commands to (re-)install the program.
Set up (tSync)
Once the main tSync.exe file is installed at a permanent location, simply run it by double-clicking its icon.
When run for the first time you should see the tSync options window:
The following options are available:
- Apply button - click this button to apply
changes made in this window.
INFORMATION: Changes made in this window will be validated if you hit Apply button. An error message may be shown in case of an incorrect parameter.
INFORMATION: In case you close this window the changes made in it will be saved without validation. In case of an incorrect parameter its old value will be used instead. - Run every time when current user logs on -
set this checkbox if you want tSync to run in the background every
time you log on to the current Windows user account.
INFORMATION: When activated in this mode, tSync will write itself into the Windows System Registry that may cause an anti-virus program warning.
IMPORTANT: This option should be unchecked if you decide to run tSync as a service (or when "Computer starts" from within the Task Scheduler.) - Enable Internet time sync - set this
checkbox if you want to make tSync to synchronize the system time
over the Internet:
INFORMATION: The Internet connection is required for this option to succeed. In case when Internet connection is not available at the time tSync will wait and attempt to synchronize the system time when the Internet connection is available.
INFORMATION: Precision of the system time synchronization depends on a particular NTP server, as well as the type of the Internet connection. For the most accurate time synchronization tSync relies on the principle that transmission time to send a data packet equals to the time needed to receive the same-size data packet, thus network connections with a fairly equal "send" and "receive" times will provide the most accurate synchronization results.
INFORMATION: The current Windows user time zone is used to adjust the system time during synchronization.
INFORMATION: You may receive your firewall warning when tSync attempts to synchronize time over the Internet.- Repeat sync every - makes tSync to
repeat Internet time synchronization at a certain frequency.
INFORMATION: The minimum allowed Internet sync frequency is 1 minute, the maximum allowed frequency is 9,999 hours and 59 minutes. In case Internet connection is not available during the next scheduled sync, tSync may extend the current waiting period for synchronization.
INFORMATION: If this option is off as well as the "Enable TCP/IP time sync", tSync will close automatically when the Internet time sync succeeds. - Time Servers button - lets you edit
the list of NTP time servers that tSync uses to synchronize
system time over the Internet.
INFORMATION: tSync will use NTP servers in order presented in the "NTP Time Servers" window starting from the one on top and going down the list if that server doesn't respond.
IMPORTANT: It is recommended to keep at least several NTP time servers for tSync to choose from during the Internet time synchronization.
IMPORTANT: When adding new NTP time servers, it is strongly recommended to enable the Internet connection for tSync to validate them! - Sync Now button - click this button to
manually synchronize system time over the Internet.
INFORMATION: This option resets the "Repeat sync" waiting period.
- Synchronization Schedule window - displays the stats for the Internet time synchronization.
- Repeat sync every - makes tSync to
repeat Internet time synchronization at a certain frequency.
- Enable TCP/IP time sync - set this
checkbox if you want to make tSync to synchronize system time on
other computers on the network, or if you want to use tSync's remote
interface features
(see below):
INFORMATION: Read here for instructions on how to set up a simple Ethernet-based network connection.
INFORMATION: You may receive the firewall warning when tSync attempts to synchronize time over a network.- Polling Frequency - allows to specify
how often tSync should repeat the network time synchronization.
INFORMATION: The minimum allowed network sync frequency is 1 minute, the maximum allowed frequency is 9999 hours and 59 minutes. In case network connection is not available during the next scheduled sync, tSync may extend the current waiting period for synchronization.
- Sync Now button - click this button to
manually perform network sync on all computers in the "Remote
Machines" list.
INFORMATION: This option resets the "Polling Frequency" waiting period.
- Remote Machines list - displays IP
addresses, connection ports and synchronization stats for all computers on the
network that tSync will attempt to synchronize the system time
INFORMATION: Click Add button to add (or Edit button to edit) network addresses, connection ports and Daylight Saving options for other computers on the network to be used by tSync.
INFORMATION: The maximum number of network machines that tSync can adjust time for over the network is 1024.
IMPORTANT: To be able to adjust time on remote machines on the network each of those machines must have a copy of tSyncRemote module running at the time. (Read below for more information.)
INFORMATION: In case network synchronization was attempted for a network machine the date & time of such attempt will be displayed in the "Last Attempt" column of the list. If synchronization succeeded its date & time will be displayed in the "Last Sync" column of the list.
INFORMATION. Precision of the network time synchronization depends on the type of the network connection. (See FAQ 9.) For the most accurate time synchronization tSync (and tSyncRemote) rely on the principle that transmission time to a send data packet equals to the time needed to receive the same-size data packet, thus network connections with a fairly equal "send" and "receive" times will provide the most accurate synchronization results. For the Ethernet connection the variance in time precision should not exceed 1-2 seconds.- When you click the Add or Edit
button you should see the "Add/Edit Network Machine" window
that will allow you to add a new machine, in case of the Add
button, or to edit remote machine(s) entries that were
selected in the "Remote Machines" list at the time:
INFORMATION: Selection of multiple machines for editing in the "Remote Machines" list is allowed.
- To specify a network machine by IP address use the same-named
INFORMATION: Use this option for remote machines with a static IP address.
INFORMATION: Read here on how to determine the IP address of a remote machine.
INFORMATION: Only IP (version 4) addresses are supported in this option. - To specify a network machine by (DNS) computer name
use the second option.
INFORMATION: Use this option for a remote machine with dynamic IP address, or when IP address is set to be obtained automatically.
INFORMATION: The DHCP server should be set up and configured on the tSync server machine to be able to use this feature. Almost all recent OS's have this feature set up for you by default, so no user interaction is necessary.
INFORMATION: Allow some time delay (normally within a minute) for DHCP server to (re-)configure itself in case of an additional network connection, rebooting, or for altered network configuration.
INFORMATION: Read here on how to determine the computer name of a remote machine.In case you want to resolve a computer name to its IP address(es) before adding (or saving) it, click the "?" button on the right. - You must provide a TCP/IP protocol connection port
to a remote machine.
IMPORTANT: Although accepted port numbers range from 1 to 65535, it is recommended to use port numbers above 1024. Also make sure that there's no conflict between existing software that is already using such port. The recommended port number is 32888.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that each copy of the tSyncRemote module is set up to use the same port number as specified here. - In case you want to use the Daylight Saving and
other time adjustments on a remote machine, check "Use
machine's daylight saving" box. When unchecked this
option will set the time on the remote machine exactly
as it appears on the computer that tSync is running on.
INFORMATION: It is recommended to use this option on computers that receive regular updates from Microsoft, and to disable it for computers that don't.
IMPORTANT: When this option is disabled, make sure to uncheck the feature to automatically adjust the clock for the daylight saving in the system time settings window on the remote machine. - When ready click OK to add a new network machine (or to save changes).
- To specify a network machine by IP address use the same-named
- Click the Remove
to remove network machines currently selected in the
"Remote Machines" list.
INFORMATION: Selection of multiple machines for removal in the "Remote Machines" list is allowed.
INFORMATION: You will see a confirmation warning before entries are removed. - Select one or more entry in
the "Remote Machines" list and right-click it to see the
additional options menu:;
The following remote interface options are available from a pop-up menu:
- Edit - open selected remote machine entries for editing (see here)
- Remove - removes selected remote machine entries.
- Poll - polls selected remote
machines for availability. Use this command to check the
state of the tSyncRemote module(s), to see if remote machine(s) are available to communicate with the tSync
server, and whether tSyncRemote module(s) are running in
a non-interactive desktop.
INFORMATION: This command is executed asynchronously and will display the window with the results of the execution of this command when ready (see more).
INFORMATION: If this command succeeds it will also return the idle user time and CPU clock reading on a remote machine. The CPU reading is more accurate if the remote machine is running Windows XP SP1, or later OS. The idle user time is available if remote machine is running Windows 2000, or later OS.
INFORMATION: In case tSyncRemote module is running in a non-interactive desktop (or if it was started as a service, more here) some commands may not be supported. Also exercise caution when running files and commands on such remote machine(s) since they will not be provided with a user output.
INFORMATION: This command may fail if tSyncRemote module on a remote machine is set up not to receive commands. - Remote Monitor - allows to
control screens on selected remote machines:
IMPORTANT: Communication with tSyncRemote is done via unencrypted channel, which introduces a possibility of the Man-In-The-Middle attack. Make sure to use this option only on the trusted network!
INFORMATION: This command is executed asynchronously and will display a window with the results of the execution of this command when ready (see more).
INFORMATION: This command may fail if tSyncRemote module on a remote machine is set up not to receive commands.- Turn On - attempts to turn the screen on at
the remote machine.
INFORMATION: This command may fail even if tSyncRemote module reports success. The execution is OS dependent.
- Turn Off - attempts to
turn the screen off at the remote machine.
INFORMATION: This command may fail even if tSyncRemote module reports success. The execution is OS dependent.
- Low Power Mode - attempts
to send the screen on a remote machine into a low
power mode (if supported).
INFORMATION: This command may fail even if tSyncRemote module reports success. The execution is OS dependent.
INFORMATION: If low power screen mode is not supported this command will have no effect. - Activate Screen-saver -
attempts to start a screen-saver on a remote machine
(if screen-saver is set up on that machine).
INFORMATION: This command may fail even if tSyncRemote module reports success. The execution is OS dependent.
INFORMATION: This command will fail on a non-interactive desktop, which is OS specific.
- Turn On - attempts to turn the screen on at
the remote machine.
- Remote Power Op - allows to
perform a power operation on selected remote machines:
IMPORTANT: Communication with tSyncRemote is done via unencrypted channel, which introduces a possibility of the Man-In-The-Middle attack. Make sure to use this option only on the trusted network!
INFORMATION: This command is executed asynchronously and will display the window with the results of the execution of this command when ready (see more).
INFORMATION: This command may fail if tSyncRemote module on a remote machine is set up not to receive commands.
INFORMATION: A warning will be shown on the tSync server before executing any of the power operations below, but no warning will be displayed on the remove machines! - Send into Stand-by - send
remote machine into a stand-by (or sleep) mode.
WARNING: This command will be executed without a warning on a remote machine. Make sure that no user is present at the time by polling a remote machine first and by checking the idle timer.
INFORMATION: This command is executed in the delayed mode on a remote machine to insure a timely response back for tSync. In light of this, tSyncRemote may report success even if this power operation fails later.
INFORMATION: This command may be canceled by other running software on a remote machine if this operation is not forced. - Hibernate - hibernate
remote machine.
WARNING: This command will be executed without a warning on a remote machine. Make sure that no user is present at the time by polling a remote machine first and by checking the idle timer.
INFORMATION: This command is executed in the delayed mode on a remote machine to insure a timely response back for tSync. In light of this, tSyncRemote may report success even if this power operation fails later.
INFORMATION: This command may be canceled by other running software on a remote machine if this operation is not forced. - Log-off User - log off
user on a remote machine.
WARNING: This command will be executed without a warning on a remote machine. Make sure that no user is present at the time by polling a remote machine first and by checking the idle timer.
INFORMATION: This command may fail on a remote machine even if tSyncRemote reports success. This behavior is OS specific.
INFORMATION: This command may be canceled or delayed if it is not forces and if other running software on the remote machine reports unsaved data.
WARNING: In case this operation is run as forced, this may cause the loss of unsaved user data on a remote machine!
INFORMATION: This operation is not supported on a remote machine running Windows 95/98/ME. - Reboot - reboot a remote
WARNING: This command will be executed without a warning on a remote machine. Make sure that no user is present at the time by polling a remote machine first and by checking the idle timer.
INFORMATION: This command may fail on a remote machine even if tSyncRemote reports success. This behavior is OS specific.
INFORMATION: This command may be canceled or delayed if it is not forces and if other running software on the remote machine reports unsaved data.
WARNING: In case this operation is run as forced, this may cause the loss of unsaved user data on a remote machine! - Shut-down - shut-down a
remote machine.
WARNING: This command will be executed without a warning on a remote machine. Make sure that no user is present at the time by polling a remote machine first and by checking the idle timer.
INFORMATION: This command may fail on a remote machine even if tSyncRemote reports success. This behavior is OS specific.
INFORMATION: This command may be canceled or delayed if it is not forces and if other running software on the remote machine reports unsaved data.
WARNING: In case this operation is run as forced, this may cause the loss of unsaved user data on a remote machine! - Force Operation Above -
toggle value that specifies whether the power
operation in this menu should be forced or not.
WARNING: Forcing power operations may lead to the loss of unsaved user data on a remote machine. Read warnings for each command above!
- Remote Command - allows to
execute a command on selected remote machines:
IMPORTANT: Communication with tSyncRemote is done via unencrypted channel, which introduces a possibility of the Man-In-The-Middle attack. Make sure to use this option only on the trusted network!
INFORMATION: This command is executed asynchronously and will display the window with the results of the execution of this command when ready (see more).
INFORMATION: This command may fail if tSyncRemote module on a remote machine is set up not to receive commands.- File or Command - run a
file, system command, or open a web page on a remote
machine. When clicked you should see the following
window that will allow you to specify a command to
Specify command in the edit field of the window. You can do so by using any of the following means:
- By simply typing a command in the command line.
- By selecting a previously used command from
a drop-down list (click the down-arrow on the
INFORMATION: The drop-down list has a memory of 12 commands maximum.
- By clicking the "..." button on the right
and by selecting "File" from a pop-up menu.
INFORMATION: This option will allow you to select a file on the tSync server station to be run on a remote machine. Keep in mind that the file and folder structure can be different on a remote machine.
INFORMATION: The beginning of the selected path can be substituted with a special word and/or environment string to insure that it can be found on a remote machine.
INFORMATION: You should see the warning if you select a file that is not located in the system folder. Executing such command on a remote machine will most certainly lead to an error of that file not being found. - You can insert an environment string or a
special word that tSyncRemote understands by
clicking the "..." button on the right and
by selecting "Environment String", or "Special
Word", respectively.
INFORMATION: Each environment string should be enclosed in the % symbols on each side. Click here to learn more about environment strings and how to use them.
INFORMATION: In case you want to use the environment string that is not provided in the pop-up menu you can simply type it in the command window. In this case make sure that such environment variable is supported by the OS on a remote machine.
INFORMATION: Each special word string should be enclosed in the # symbols on each side. The special words represent CSIDL values for the tSyncRemote module. Click here To learn more about CSIDL values.
INFORMATION: In case you want to use the CSIDL value that is not provided in the pop-up menu do the following: Learn the CSIDL value's hexadecimal number. Type in a special word in the following format: #xN# (or a pound sign, followed by small letter x, followed by a hexadecimal value of CSIDL, followed by a pound sign). For example, since the value of CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY is 10, or 0xA, the following special words will represent the same for the tSyncRemote module:#CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY#
INFORMATION: The list of environment strings and special words that you may see in a pop-up menu are the ones that are supported by the OS the tSync server was run on.
INFORMATION: Keep in mind that environment strings and special words supported by tSyncRemote module are OS specific.
The following types of commands are acceptable by the tSyncRemote module:
- System and common files: Any file located in the Windows, System32, My Documents, Desktop etc. folder.
- Files located in the same folder as tSyncRemote module: In this case you can specify them by name.
- Files located on a shared network machine:
Specify those using the network drive notation.
- System commands: You don't need a path to specify those. (Example: cmd)
- Web links and URLs: Precede those with a qualified designator. (Example: http:, https:, etc.)
Here are some examples of commands supported by tSyncRemote module:
Run "do_cmd.exe" on a remote machine located in
My Documents folder:
- Defrag the system drive on a remote machine:
#CSIDL_SYSTEM#\defrag %SystemDrive% -v
- Open the Google web page on a remote
INFORMATION: Make sure that tSyncRemote module is not running in a non-interactive desktop (more info).
Click OK when command is ready to be sent to a remove machine.
INFORMATION: This command may fail if tSyncRemote module on a remote machine is set up not to receive commands.
INFORMATION: The tSyncRemote module is set up to wait for command to begin execution before returning a result code. This will insure that if specified file or command is not found on a remote machine, or if it cannot be run, an appropriate error code is returned back to the tSync server.
WARNING: Exercise caution when running commands on a remote machine when tSyncRemote module is started as a service (or when it's running in a non-interactive desktop). In this case some commands and files may behave differently since no user desktop will be provided for them. To check if tSyncRemote module is running in a non-interactive desktop on a remote machine use the command to poll it. (More info)
INFORMATION: Some commands may fail on a remote machine even if tSyncRemote module returns success. This behavior is OS specific. - Lock Workstation -
lock the workstation on a remote machine. You will
normally use this option to prevent access to a
remote machine until a user logs in.
INFORMATION: This option is only supported if tSyncRemote module is running in an interactive desktop on the Windows-NT based OS, such as Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, or later.
- Exit - send command for
the tSyncRemote module on a remote machine to exit.
INFORMATION: If this operation succeeds you will no longer be able to communicate with a remote machine using this software.
- File or Command - run a
file, system command, or open a web page on a remote
machine. When clicked you should see the following
window that will allow you to specify a command to
- Copy - allows to copy selected entries for the remote machines on to the Windows Clipboard.
- Select All - selects all entries in the "Remote Machines" list.
When sending commands or polling remote machine(s) the operation is run asynchronously, meaning that control is returned back immediately to the tSync server. It may take from several seconds to up to a minute to process some commands. When ready you should see the following results window:
The exact contents of this window will depend on the command/operation sent for the remote machine(s). See above for details.
- When you click the Add or Edit
button you should see the "Add/Edit Network Machine" window
that will allow you to add a new machine, in case of the Add
button, or to edit remote machine(s) entries that were
selected in the "Remote Machines" list at the time:
- Polling Frequency - allows to specify
how often tSync should repeat the network time synchronization.
After tSync options are applied (see here for details), tSync will be minimized to the system tray. You should see its icon next to the Windows system clock:
After that tSync does not require any additional attention.
You can access tSync context menu by right-clicking its icon in the system tray. A pop-up menu will appear with the following options:
- Options... - displays the Options window that allows to change tSync settings.
- About - option displays the "About tSync" window with the information about the program.
- Sync Internet Time Now - option allows to
manually synchronize the system time over the Internet.
INFORMATION: Read here for more information.
- Sync Network Time Now - option allows to
manually synchronize the system time over the network on all
computers specified in the "Remote Machines" list.
INFORMATION: Read here for more information.
- Exit - closes the tSync program and removes it from the Windows System Registry, preventing it from running again when the current user logs in.
Set up Remote Machine (tSyncRemote)
In case "Enable TCP/IP time sync" option is enabled in the tSync server program you will also need to set up tSyncRemote module to run on each remote computer that you'd like tSync to adjust the system time for, or to enable tSync's remote interface features.
INFORMATION: The tSyncRemote module by itself will not be able to synchronize the system time, it can do so only after a successful communication with the tSync server program.
Follow these steps to set up tSyncRemote module:
- Move the
file to each remote computer that you'd like tSync to adjust system time for.INFORMATION: If you run this file from a downloadable ZIP archive (or from a temporary or non-fixed location), you will see an automatic installation feature. In that case simply follow on-screen commands to (re-)install the program. - Run tSyncRemote module by double-clicking its
IMPORTANT: You may receive the firewall warning when running tSyncRemote module. It is important that you allow bidirectional (full duplex) access to the port used for communication. It is advisable that you set up your firewall (anti-virus program) beforehand to accept incoming and outgoing TCP/IP protocol connections to a port number specified in tSyncRemote (32888 by default).
INFORMATION: tSyncRemote module writes itself into the Windows System Registry auto-start key to be able to start next time when the current user logs on.
IMPORTANT: Do not run tSyncRemote module if you decide to activate it as a service (or when "Computer starts" from within the Task Scheduler).
INFORMATION: Windows Vista/7 users read here for additional information and limitations. - You're done. tSyncRemote is ready to go.
To access tSyncRemote module's context menu options right-click its icon on the system tray (located next to the system clock):
The following commands are available:
- Receive Commands (check) - shortcut check box that duplicates the "Receive commands from tSync module" option.
- Exit - closes the tSyncRemote module and removes itself from the Windows System Registry, preventing it from running again when the current user logs on.
- Open - opens the window with the
following controls:
- Receive commands from tSync module
- specifies whether this tSyncRemote module should receive
additional tSync remote interface commands:
IMPORTANT: Communication with tSyncRemote is done via unencrypted channel, which introduces a possibility of the Man-In-The-Middle attack. Make sure to use this option only on the trusted network!
- When
checked will enable the tSyncRemote module to process the
- Time synchronization command from tSync server.
- If polled this module will report readiness to operate, idle time on the current machine (i.e. when no user input was present), and CPU clock reading at the time of the polling.
- Performing screen operations, such as turning it on and off, sending it to a lower power mode and activating a screen-saver.
- Performing power operations, such as shut-down, rebooting, logging off user, going into stand-by mode or hibernation.
- Running files, opening URLs and system commands.
- Locking the workstation (if supported.)
- Exiting this module upon request from tSync server.
- When unchecked will prevent tSync remote
interface commands from being processed by the
tSyncRemote module, except the following:
- Time synchronization command from tSync server.
- If polled this module will respond that it is
available for time synchronization only.
INFORMATION: The idle time and CPU clock reading will not be reported.
- When
checked will enable the tSyncRemote module to process the
- TCP/IP Server Connection - allows to
specify the port number that will be used for communication with
the tSync server.
IMPORTANT: It is important to set up your firewall to allow the full bidirectional access to this port for the tSyncRemote module.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to specify the same port number as the one used by the tSync server.
IMPORTANT: Although accepted port values range from 1 to 65535, it is recommended to use port numbers above 1024. Also make sure that there's no conflict between existing software already using such port. The recommended port number is 32888. - Status window - displays the stats for
the system time synchronization and execution of the tSync
remote interface commands.
INFORMATION: You should see a message after each time synchronization attempt and a remote interface command in this window.
- Apply button - click this button to
apply changes made in this window.
INFORMATION: Some changes made in this window will take effect only when you hit the Apply button.
- Receive commands from tSync module
- specifies whether this tSyncRemote module should receive
additional tSync remote interface commands:
Since both tSync program and tSyncRemote module do not require installation, they do not require uninstallation, either. To completely remove both do the following:
In case of tSync program:
- Right-click on the tSync icon in the system tray (next to the system clock) and select Exit.
- Remove the
file from the location where you moved it to during the installation. - Although not necessary, if you'd like to clean up
the System Registry values used by the program, remove the following
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\from Dennis Babkin\tSync
In case of tSyncRemote module:
- Right-click on the tSyncRemote icon in the system tray (next to the system clock) and select Exit.
- Remove the
file from the location where you moved it to during the installation. - Although not necessary, if you'd like to clean up
the System Registry values used by the program, remove the following
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\from Dennis Babkin\tSyncRemote
For Windows Vista/7/8/10 Users
Windows Vista/7/8/10 impose additional limitations on the programs, thus the following may apply when running tSync server program and tSyncRemote module:
- Both tSync and tSyncRemote require administrative
privileges to be able to change the system time. Under Windows Vista/7/8/10
this triggers the UAC warning when these programs are run for the first
time, as well as when the system is rebooted. Check the following workarounds available at this time:
Allow tSync and tSyncRemote to run with elevated privileges by
manually doing so.
IMPORTANT: You will also have to manually allow both programs to run when system reboots by responding to the system message, "Windows has blocked some startup programs". There's no means to automate this process. We understand your inconvenience but we're unable to change anything at this time.
- Run tSync and tSyncRemote as a service at the
Windows startup.
INFORMATION: For details see FAQ 1.
IMPORTANT: Although possible, this option is not favored by the developers of this software!
Allow tSync and tSyncRemote to run with elevated privileges by
manually doing so.
Thank you for choosing tSync!
Please keep in mind that this software was developed in the early 2000's, and it may not fit well into security standards of today. It is provided on this site primarily for the users of older operating systems, such as Windows XP. Any modern operating system will have built-in capabilities to synchronize system time.
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