Version: | 3.1 |
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some questions asked about this software:- Who is the author of the software available on this web site?
- What is the experience of the authors of the software?
- Can I open the source code files if I don't have Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002 or later?
- Is this software compatible with Microsoft Windows Vista & later OS's?
- Can WinID run on the latest OS, like Windows 10?
- Are you planning to make WinID compatible with Windows 10?
Who is the author of the software available on this web site?
Every software product available for downloading on this website was designed and coded by a trusted team of developers lead by Dennis A. Babkin. For authenticity and to provide better trust for our users we code-sign our executable files with Dennis' personal digital certificate.
To check authenticity of any of our executable file, right-click it (.exe, .msi or .dll files only) and go to its Properties. Then switch to Digital Signatures, and make sure that the signer (or publisher) on the certificate is Dennis A. Babkin. Then highlight it, click "Details" and make sure that "Digital Signature Information" is shown as "This digital signature is OK."
This is how you can make sure that the software is genuine, that it was not tampered with and that it came unaltered from our developers. We always stand by all of our signed files.
In case an exectuble file that "claims" to have been downloaded from our site does not pass any of the steps of the digital signature verification outlined above, DO NOT run that file and notify us about it!What is the experience of the authors of the software?
Our software developers have a wide range of skills including: C, C++, MFC, Objective-C/Cocoa/Cocoa Touch, C#, ASP.NET, HTML/DHTML, JavaScript, VBScript, PHP, SQL/MySQL, ActionScript, x86 Assembly, and much more. We also have a full set of design and graphics skills with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Dreamweaver, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and more.-
Can I open the source code files if I don't have Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002 or later?
You will be able to open source code files even in a Notepad, but you won't be able to compile them into an executable file to test. Besides that you won't be able to view dialog box layouts and some other resources included in the Microsoft Visual C++ solution supplied in source code package. But, if you have a later version of the Microsoft Visual Studio you will be able to convert the source code files without any distortion. -
Is this software compatible with Microsoft Windows Vista & later OS's?
No. And, here is why. We were ardent supporters of Microsoft and their operating system. The release of Windows XP was one of the best events that happened on the market of home computers. That operating system was most reliable and easy to use (for everyone: home/office users and programmers).
All that changed with the release of Windows Vista. I don't know what part of their bodies the execs at Microsoft actually used to make a decision to change the Windows operating system the way they did in Vista - I'll let people be their judge. I cannot imagine how much Microsoft and Bill Gates must dislike millions of programmers that were using their OS every day to issue something like that. After buying Windows Vista and having installed it, you will discover that about half of your perfectly working hardware is not supported by it, and even if you buy it with a new computer, more than half of the software you bought before will not run on it.
Our decision was not to go with the flow and totally renounce that monstrous release from Microsoft. That was also a pivotal moment for me personally, when I purchased my first Mac OS X system.
Can WinID run on the latest OS, like Windows 10?
Yes it can run on it. It won't break it. But it won't be able to retrieve all available information, like it could do on Windows XP, due to fundamental differences in the architecture of Windows 10.
Are you planning to make WinID compatible with Windows 10?
No. Not in the form it is now. Due to a major change in the way Windows operates now, making WinID compatible with Windows 10 will require too signficant of a re-write. But nonetheless, we're planning to incorporate WinID-like utility into our debugging toolset that we may release in the future.
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