6. Feedback Window

The feedback window allows you to compose and send your feedback to us through the Internet connection. To bring it up on the screen go to the Main Menu in WinID and select "Feedback..." from the pop-up menu. This will show the Feedback window.

INFORMATION: If certain Internet features are not supported by the Operating System you may see an on-line feedback window displayed in the Internet Explorer or another default web browser instead.
Although none of the message fields except message itself are mandatory, we would like to ask you to provide as much information about the problem/question/suggestion as possible, as well as the information about yourself. This will help us to address the issue with more details on hand.

Provide information of your feedback message in the following fields:

When you're ready to send your feedback click Send button to submit your message to our web server. To close the feedback window and lose your message click Cancel. Please note that Internet connection is required for your message to reach us. If Internet connection is available at the time you click Send button WinID sends your message immediately. In case Internet connection could not be established, WinID stores your messages in the Feedback Message Queue.

The Feedback Message Queue (or simply Feedback Queue) is the internal depository that WinID uses to store all unsent feedback messages in. The Feedback Queue may contain more than one message. It is used mostly to store feedback messages if Internet connection is not available at the time user decides to submit a message. WinID will remember that message in the Feedback Queue and will check for the Internet connection in the background while WinID is running and if connection is detected it will attempt to send all messages from the Feedback Message Queue to our web server. To check the current status of the Feedback Message Queue go to the Settings window, Advanced tab.

When all messages in the Feedback Message Queue are successfully submitted to the web server, WinID displays a tooltip message at the top of the Readout Pane. This message will signify success of your feedback submission.

DISCLAIMER: Authors of WinID and staff of www.dennisbabkin.com web server guarantee that no personal or other information about you or your computer and/or files on it will be submitted along with the feedback message. The information that might be sent to our web server along with the feedback message may include WinID version and registration name, if applicable. No marketing or promotional information is ever included in such report.

We appreciate your efforts to keep us up to date with your thoughts and ideas about future versions of WinID. Let's make the new version of this product better together!







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