
Trivia of the Day

Current Trivia of the Day:

Each of the suits in a deck of cards represents four major pillars of the economy in the Middle Ages. Hearts represents the Church, spades represents the military, clubs represents agriculture, and diamonds represents the merchant class.


The "Trivia of the day" feature is a collection of nonfictional, every-day facts that are updated daily in a random fashion.

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Since April 2023, the automated Twitter Bot account is no longer available. Due to a hostile Twitter takeover in the beginning of 2023, our free automated account is no longer supported.

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Our bot posts new random trivia tweets every day at around noon, Pacific Standard Time. The automated twitter account that is used for that is: @_totd


All trivia presented by this website is provided for your entertainment purposed only. It has been collected from public sources on the Internet and from other forms of publication. Although we had attempted to verify most of the information presented in the "Trivia of the day" feature, the authors of this website do not guarantee absolute correctness of such information. Hyperlinks included in the "Trivia of the day" feature are not supposed to corroborate the correctness of the trivia statements and are provided for additional information only. Certain hyperlinks may also point to facetious information. The trivia presented on the April 1st represents a joke as clearly indicated by its hyperlinks.

In no way the authors of this website should be held accountable for the information provided in the trivia statements.


In case you found an inconsistency, or if you simply want to add your own trivia, send us a message.

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