Videos video labs

Cardboard MechWarriors 3

Chemical suits... gas masks... cardboard boxes... lots of fireworks, and... one Great Holiday... make this third installment of the cardboard warriors battle that took place on July 4th, 2009.

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Cardboard MechWarriors 2

This time we did two Mechs, and thus had much more work on our hands. It was a gross underestimation of how much time it took to assemble two robots instead of one so, thanks to all the people involved, we barely squeezed it in. Unfortunately with all the efforts dedicated on robot preparation we spaced out on prepping the cameraman.

The resulting video of the event on July 4th, 2008 took a bit longer to composite, but it was surely worth it. Check some screenshots and avatars below ...

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Cardboard MechWarrior

Originally there were no intentions of making this video - all we had was just a camcorder footage and a lot of fun celebrating the Independence Day on July 4th, 2007. A couple of hours later spent in Adobe Premiere Pro, and I had this video ...

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