Blog Post

Windows Authentication - Credential Providers - Part 1

A primer on writing a credential provider in Windows.

Windows Authentication - Credential Providers - Part 1 - A primer on writing a credential provider in Windows.


If you ever tried to write a credential provider in Windows you will understand my plight. The only relevant official sample provided by Microsoft dates back to the days of Windows 8.1, and the documentation for writing one is quite scarce, to say the least.

Note that credential providers have undergone quite a fast-pace evolution since the earlier days of Windows. The technique that was previously used during the Windows XP days, known as GINA, or a "Graphical Identification and Authentication dynamic-link library", is now largely obsolete and irrelevant.

In this series of blog posts I will try to dispel some myths about credential providers in Windows and hopefully give the reader some insight on how they operate.

Some Theory

Before we dive into it, let's review what is a credential provider in Windows?

From a user's perspective, as well as the simplest way to describe it to pretty much anyone, is to say that a credential provider is the window that you deal with when you need to log in to your user account in Windows. One of these things:

Windows 11 Login
Example of a credential provider on Windows 11.

From a technical standpoint, this is not exactly true. What you see in that screenshot is the logon process, that I will call LogonUI.exe.

That thing might have its own internal name, but since Microsoft provides developers with just the bare minimum of crumbs as credential providers are concerned and we have to dig around and research for ourselves, I will take a liberty to give some things my own names. I hope that you don't mind?

A credential provider only tells the LogonUI.exe (in that case) which user interface (UI) controls to display.

So the LogonUI.exe renders all the buttons, the password field, a nicely translucent background, a user picture and so forth for you. As a credential provider developer you have a very limited set of controls in that regard. (Which, knowing how Windows OS is being abused by some unscrupulous developers, may be a good thing.)

As the author of a credential provider you can pick from a short list of available UI elements that you would want to display for your authentication method. After all, the job of a credential provider is to collect login credentials from a user and to "provide" them (or pass them) to the system. And that is it.

Following Microsoft mantra, a credential provider should not attempt to authenticate the user. It should only collect credentials and pass it to the system.

To do its job a credential provider resides in a dynamic-link library (DLL) that is structured to implement a bunch of COM interfaces that will be called (or invoked) by LogonUI.exe, or by some other system process, when the need arises.

Thus, to serve its purpose a credential provider DLL has to be loaded into a host process. I've already shown one: LogonUI.exe. That is the process that is responsible for logging in users from a secure desktop. Most people are familiar with it. But that is not the only host process that can load your credential provider. It may be also loaded into the Windows Explorer process, or into CredentialUIBroker.exe, or consent.exe at a certain condition during the UAC prompt or to retrieve a user account password, or if the user picks "Run as different user" option. Alternatively, a credential provider may be loaded into your own process if you invoke the CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials API.

Although you can write a credential provider in a managed language like C#, I personally prefer to write these early boot components in a lower-level language like C++ or even C. Doing so mitigates the possible unpredictability of a missing component in a managed framework.

A true million dollar question with credential providers though is knowing which interface is used where, and when will it be invoked? And this is what I will try to share in this and the following posts.

Lifespan of a Credential Provider

The rest of this blog post will be dedicated to the description of COM interfaces and their events, or callbacks, that happen when a credential provider is loaded, used, and when it is later unloaded by the system.

In most cases you will not be loading a credential provider manually. All of the work of invoking it is done by the OS components.

An important aspect for a developer is to realize that a credential provider can be loaded and used during different stages of the operating system life cycle: from an early boot stage when no user is present at the system and no desktop is available, to some random time during a remote desktop session.

Also, as I pointed out earlier, a credential provider is often loaded into a secure desktop, which limits the number and type of system functions that can be called from it.

For instance, you cannot assume that a user desktop is available, and thus some of the user32.dll APIs will not be able to function as you would expect. For instance, calls like SendMessage to windows in the user desktop will not go through.

It is also prudent to understand that in most cases a credential provider should not be displaying its own UI. With one exception to that rule that I will show-case later.

Finally, debugging a credential provider poses its own challenges. We will have to leave this subject for some later blog post. For now, the developer of a credential provider should rely on logging instead.

Credential Provider Components

Before we go any further, we need to understand what are the components of a credential provider. Microsoft has their own definition, which, to be honest, was very confusing for me. Thus, I will try to explain it as I think is easier to understand. Or, at least, it was for me.


Factory is a COM class that is used by the outside callers to request various other COM components from your credential provider. Which ones? We'll look at it later. For now, view it as a base for your credential provider's logic that issues instances of its other interfaces.

As most COM components go, you would generally start writing a credential provider from its factory class. It must be derived and implement the IClassFactory interface.

A factory class has to implement methods of the following interfaces:

class MyFactory : public IClassFactory
	// IUnknown
	IFACEMETHODIMP QueryInterface(__in REFIID riid, __deref_out void** ppv);

	// IClassFactory
	IFACEMETHODIMP CreateInstance(__in IUnknown* pUnkOuter, __in REFIID riid, __deref_out void** ppv);
	IFACEMETHODIMP LockServer(__in BOOL bLock);

Later on, all of the interfaces will have a similar backbone.


A filter is another COM class in the credential provider's implementation. It is used primarily to filter out other credential providers in the system that you do not want to support.

A filter class must implement the ICredentialProviderFilter interface.

The way it works is that the host process sends your filter class two things:

  1. The type of a login, or what Microsoft calls "usage scenario". I view it as "where was the credential provider called from" parameter. It can be one of: login screen, unlocking workstation, changing user password, CredUI-type authentication, and so forth.
  2. And the list of credential providers that are available in the system.

    As an example, on the Windows 10 system, my installed filter class received the following list of available credential providers. Note that each provider is represented by its own unique CLSID, or GUID:

    CLSID Provide Name Module Bitmaps
    {2135F72A-90B5-4ED3-A7F1-8BB705AC276A} PicturePasswordLogonProvider credprovslegacy.dll ID=17542 ID=17000
    {3DD6BEC0-8193-4FFE-AE25-E08E39EA4063} NPProvider credprovs.dll ID=13500
    {60B78E88-EAD8-445C-9CFD-0B87F74EA6CD} PasswordCredentialProvider credprovs.dll ID=13500
    {8AF662BF-65A0-4D0A-A540-A338A999D36F} FaceCredentialProvider FaceCredentialProvider.dll ID=1001
    {8FD7E19C-3BF7-489B-A72C-846AB3678C96} SmartcardCredentialProvider SmartcardCredentialProvider.dll ID=901 ID=1901
    {BEC09223-B018-416D-A0AC-523971B639F5} WinBioCredentialProvider BioCredProv.dll ID=1001
    {C5D7540A-CD51-453B-B22B-05305BA03F07} CloudExperience_CredentialProvider cxcredprov.dll ID=1000
    {C885AA15-1764-4293-B82A-0586ADD46B35} IrisCredentialProvider FaceCredentialProvider.dll ID=1001
    {D6886603-9D2F-4EB2-B667-1971041FA96B} NgcPinProvider ngccredprov.dll ID=1000 ID=1001 ID=1002 ID=1003
    {F8A0B131-5F68-486C-8040-7E8FC3C85BB6} WLIDCredentialProvider wlidcredprov.dll ID=101
    {5537E283-B1E7-4EF8-9C6E-7AB0AFE5056D} CRasProvider rasplap.dll
    {855E2A67-A476-4664-8581-01BEC33975BC} MyProvider

    Hover the mouse over each bitmap to get its resource ID in its specific module.

    My own credential provider, or "MyProvider", is also in the list. I gave it an arbitrarily random CLSID of {855E2A67-A476-4664-8581-01BEC33975BC} that I generated with the "Create GUID" tool in Visual Studio.

The job of your filter class is to say whether or not you want to deny this or that credential provider from being shown to the user in this or that usage scenario. Or, in other words, it is the way for your credential provider to say what it can or cannot do, in terms of which credentials it can collect from the user.

A filter class can only deny the existing credential providers that are given to it.

For instance, a credential provider may deny a PIN provider during a user account password-change usage scenario.

And if the filter class allows a certain provider, it is later the job of a provider class to tell the hosting process which UI elements it will need to collect the login credentials from the user for that specific login method.

So when a filter is invoked in your credential provider you can decide whether to block (or allow) any other credential providers in the system (btw, including your own.) Your filter will receive a list of providers, like the one that I showed above. Note though, that if you allow this or that credential provider, your own credential provider must be capable of collecting required credentials from the user for that specific login method.

A filter class is also used to process incoming serialized data during a remote desktop connection.
An astute reader may have noticed that the filter class seems to have control over whether or not to show all credential providers in the system. Or, it can disallow other credential providers. This is indeed true. Two or more custom credential providers may not do well in one system.

As a workaround, an installer for your particular credential provider may check for the presence of other filters in the following system registry key and either warn the user, or to refuse installation if any other filters are detected:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Provider Filters

Note that there's always the GenericFilter present there with the {DDC0EED2-ADBE-40b6-A217-EDE16A79A0DE} GUID.

A filter class has to implement methods of the following interfaces:

class MyFilter : public ICredentialProviderFilter
	// IUnknown
	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(__in REFIID riid, __in void** ppv);

	// ICredentialProviderFilter
		/* [in] */ DWORD dwFlags,
		/* [annotation][size_is][in] */
		_In_reads_(cProviders)  GUID* rgclsidProviders,
		/* [annotation][size_is][out][in] */
		_Inout_updates_(cProviders)  BOOL* rgbAllow,
		/* [in] */ DWORD cProviders);

	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE UpdateRemoteCredential(
		/* [annotation][in] */
		/* [annotation][out] */

The UpdateRemoteCredential callback is used to de-serialize incoming credentials during a remote desktop connection.


In the parlance of a credential provider project, a somewhat confusingly named "provider" class, is a COM interface that implements the logic for deciding which user interface elements will be required for a specific login method.

There could be multiple providers, each for its own login method. (I showed the list of possible login methods when I was describing the filter class.) For instance, it could be a provider for a password login, or for a PIN login, and so forth.

A version 2 (or V2) of the provider class has to be derived from the ICredentialProvider and from the ICredentialProviderSetUserArray interfaces. Additionally, the credential class must be derived from ICredentialProviderCredential2, or later interface.

While an older provider, version 1 (or V1, V1PasswordCredentialProvider) has to be derived only from ICredentialProvider.

You can pretty much safely ignore V1 provider if you want to develop a credential provider for Windows 10 and later OS.

From a user's perspective they can switch between different login methods (and thus between provider classes that are used in your credential provider) using the "Sign-in options" control in the LogonUI:

options - Windows 11
"Sign-in options" in Windows 11.

In the screenshot above, you can see the "picture password", "PIN" and a "regular password" login methods, available to the user. Each of those come with their own provider classes.

Although there's no documented way to know which provider class is currently active, or is interacting with the user in the credential provider, you can use a hack to determine that. A credential class (that I will describe below) has two methods: SetSelected and SetDeselected that are invoked when a certain credential is activated. Thus, if you associate each credential class with a provider class that created it, you will know which provider class is currently active by responding to the two callbacks that I named above.

A provider class can be also used to request methods of communication with the host process, such as LogonUI and others, and to request other callbacks using the ICredentialProviderEvents interface in its Advise method. A provider class is also used to obtain basic information needed for the credential provider, such as the list of available user accounts via the ICredentialProviderSetUserArray interface; or to receive various other notifications via the undocumented ICredentialProviderWithDisplayState interface. (We'll get back to it later.)

A provider class (version 2) has to implement methods of the following interfaces:

class MyProvider : public ICredentialProvider,
	// IUnknown
	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(__in REFIID riid, __in void** ppv);

	// ICredentialProvider

	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Advise(__in ICredentialProviderEvents* pcpe, __in UINT_PTR upAdviseContext);

	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetFieldDescriptorCount(__out DWORD* pdwCount);
	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetFieldDescriptorAt(__in DWORD dwIndex, __deref_out CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_DESCRIPTOR** ppcpfd);

	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCredentialCount(__out DWORD* pdwCount,
		__out_range(< , *pdwCount) DWORD* pdwDefault,
		__out BOOL* pbAutoLogonWithDefault);

	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCredentialAt(__in DWORD dwIndex,
		__deref_out ICredentialProviderCredential** ppcpc);

	// ICredentialProviderSetUserArray
		/* [annotation][in] */
		_In_  ICredentialProviderUserArray* users);
If you're writing a credential provider for versions of Windows prior to Windows 8, you may not use ICredentialProviderSetUserArray and will have to retrieve all available user accounts manually.

Alternatively, if you want additional functionality for your provider class you may also derive it from ICredentialProviderWithDisplayState and IAutoLogonProvider interfaces, to gain access to the following undocumented methods:

	// ICredentialProviderWithDisplayState

	// IAutoLogonProvider
	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetAutoLogonManager(IAutoLogonManager* pAutoLogonManager);

The declarations for these undocumented interfaces and flags are:

	CPDSF_NONE = 0x00000000,                //Default initialization value.
	CPDSF_AWAKE = 0x00000001,               //Is set when display is on (can be used for power-saving.)
	CPDSF_UNKNOWN_1 = 0x00000002,           //Transitive flag. It is mostly absent. It only appears before/after CPDSF_AWAKE changes.
	CPDSF_CURTAIN = 0x00000004,             //Is set when the "curtain" is pulled down, or obscures the tiles.
	CPDSF_CURTAIN_MOVING = 0x00000008,      //Is set when the "curtain" is moving. It appears when the "curtain" is being pulled.
	CPDSF_STATION_LOCKED = 0x00000040,      //Is set when the workstation is locked.
	CPDSF_PROVIDER_VISIBLE = 0x00000080,    //Is set when provider screen is active/visible.
	CPDSF_NO_LOGGED_USERS = 0x00000400,     //Is set when there is no logged in users.
	CPDSF_UNKNOWN_2 = 0x00000800,           //Some unknown flag that is used by the PIN (NGC) provider.
	CPDSF_SHUTDOWN_STARTED = 0x00001000,    //Is set when reboot or shutdown had started.
	CPDSF_ACTIVE = 0x00010000,              //Is set to indicate display activity. Is reset after some time when UI is idle.
	CPDSF_TBAL_LOGON = 0x00080000           //Is set for the trusted boot auto-logon (TBAL) boot.

// A "curtain" is when the LogonUI.exe hides all credential tiles after a period of inactivity,
// or right after it is initially shown. This appears to be a security feature.

ICredentialProviderWithDisplayState : public IUnknown

IAutoLogonProvider : public IUnknown 
	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetAutoLogonManager(IAutoLogonManager *) = 0;

I'll explain what SetDisplayState does in a later post. But it's basically used to receive notifications about various states of the OS, and of the credential provider itself.

Credentials, Tiles & UI Fields

The best way to describe credentials is to show them visibly in a credential provider:

Credentials - Windows 11
Five credential tiles in Windows 11.
Credentials are also called "tiles" in the Microsoft documentation. My guess, the term "tile" is used when referring to the visual representation of a credential.

Like before, a credential is a COM class that implements a visual representation of a user account, or of some other login entity, depending on your credential provider's purpose. But, in most cases, a credential class represents a UI object that a user can click to log in with.

A credential can have an arbitrary number of fields, or UI elements, that can be displayed when a tile for a credential is selected in the UI of the credential provider. Those UI fields is what a user interacts with by providing their login information.

The screenshot below demonstrates the "User A" tile that is currently selected in a credential provider. That tile respectively has the following UI fields enabled (or visible): 1. "Password field", 2. "Submit button", 3. "Password hint" text and 4. "Reset password link":

User tile - Windows 11
Selected "User A" tile with its four visible UI fields in Windows 11.

A credential class receives multiple callbacks from the host process to decide which fields to show (or to hide). It also gets notified when a certain tile is selected or deselected. I'll explain more in part 2.

A credential class must be derived from and implement ICredentialProviderCredential interface (or, it's later cousins, that have a consecutive number at the end), and optionally IConnectableCredentialProviderCredential, ICredentialProviderCredentialWithFieldOptions, undocumented ICredentialProviderCredentialTileDataInfo and so on, to support newer features of the credential providers.

All credentials must be created from within the GetCredentialCount and GetCredentialAt callbacks of the provider class. The first call must return the number of credentials that your credential provider wants to show. This is basically dictated by the number of user accounts that are supplied for your provider class in the SetUserArray callback. Then each invocation of the GetCredentialAt callback for your provider class (for the number of desired credentials) must create and return an instance of your credential class.

The same rule applies to the UI fields that are shown when a tile is selected. You first specify how may fields a provider will need in the GetFieldDescriptorCount callback. And then describe each field in the following GetFieldDescriptorAt callbacks. Each time the latter callback is invoked, you need to specify what each field is: whether it's a text field, a password field, an image, a submit button, and so forth.

Once UI fields and credentials are created they cannot be destroyed or added for the lifetime of the provider class. The way to address this limitation is by letting you show or hide UI fields, as well as to change their state, or text displayed in them. This is accomplished by responding to various callbacks for the credential class, such as: GetFieldState, GetStringValue, GetBitmapValue, GetCheckboxValue, GetSubmitButtonValue, GetComboBoxValueCount, GetComboBoxValueAt; or by calling the following methods: SetStringValue, SetCheckboxValue, SetComboBoxSelectedValue, and so forth.

The UI fields cannot be arbitrarily positioned on the screen, resized, or in any way styled. The host process that calls your credential provider decides all those things. The only control that the author of a credential provider has is the sequence at which UI elements, or fields, will appear in the host process.

Newer undocumented class, like ICredentialProviderCredentialTileDataInfo has methods such as SetTileVisibility and GetTileVisibility for changing tile visibility. As well as the ICredTileData class that has the IsTileVisible method, and the ICredentialProviderCredentialTileDataEvents class that has RequestVisibilityChange. But Microsoft, in their usual fashion, forgot to document those.

Finally, the credential class is the one that gets notified when a user clicks "Submit" button to begin the login process via the GetSerialization callback. In response to that callback the credential class must collect all user-provided credentials in the UI, serialize them and feed the resulting binary data back to the host process.

Note that Microsoft admonishes developers that the credential class should not authenticate a user. Its job is only to collect user login credentials and to pass them to the host process.

In reality though, this is not always possible. Especially if you're writing a credential provider wrapper to implement a form of an MFA login.

Next, after your credential class passes serialized credentials to the host process, the latter one internally invokes some of the LSASS functions to perform the actual user authentication, usually via a call to the LsaLogonUser API.

The result of the login is reported back to the credential class via the eponymous ReportResult method. Your credential class should respond to it by setting an appropriate user message, if the login fails.

Note that ReportResult callback is not called for the CredUI-type scenario.

One important caveat to remember about the ReportResult callback is that if the login was successful (or if its ntsStatus parameter is set to S_OK), your credential provider will begin unloading immediately after you return from ReportResult, regardless of its return status code.

I would definitely consider the latter condition a deficiency in the Microsoft's implementation of the credential provider interface. Lacking the ability to halt a successful login, any implementations of the secondary (or MFA) logins become impossible without some sort of a hack.

Because of that, developers usually resort to invoking the LsaLogonUser function from within their credential provider before passing a serialized user input to the host process in the GetSerialization callback.

Microsoft could've prevented such behavior by providing a mechanism to cancel a successful login from within the ReportResult callback.

A credential class has to implement methods of the following interfaces:

class MyCredential : public ICredentialProviderCredential4
    // IUnknown
    virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release();
	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(__in REFIID riid, __in void** ppv);

    // ICredentialProviderCredential
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Advise(__in ICredentialProviderCredentialEvents* pcpce);

    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetSelected(__out BOOL* pbAutoLogon);
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetDeselected();

    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetFieldState(__in DWORD dwFieldID,

    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetStringValue(__in DWORD dwFieldID, __deref_out PWSTR* ppwsz);
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetBitmapValue(__in DWORD dwFieldID, __out HBITMAP* phbmp);
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCheckboxValue(__in DWORD dwFieldID, __out BOOL* pbChecked, __deref_out PWSTR* ppwszLabel);
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetComboBoxValueCount(__in DWORD dwFieldID, __out DWORD* pcItems, __out DWORD* pdwSelectedItem);
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetComboBoxValueAt(__in DWORD dwFieldID, __in DWORD dwItem, __deref_out PWSTR* ppwszItem);
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetSubmitButtonValue(__in DWORD dwFieldID, __out DWORD* pdwAdjacentTo);

    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetStringValue(__in DWORD dwFieldID, __in PCWSTR pwz);
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetCheckboxValue(__in DWORD dwFieldID, __in BOOL bChecked);
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetComboBoxSelectedValue(__in DWORD dwFieldID, __in DWORD dwSelectedItem);
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CommandLinkClicked(__in DWORD dwFieldID);

        __deref_out_opt PWSTR* ppwszOptionalStatusText,
        __out CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_STATUS_ICON* pcpsiOptionalStatusIcon);

    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ReportResult(__in NTSTATUS ntsStatus,
        __in NTSTATUS ntsSubstatus,
        __deref_out_opt PWSTR* ppwszOptionalStatusText,
        __out CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_STATUS_ICON* pcpsiOptionalStatusIcon);

    // ICredentialProviderCredential2
        /* [annotation][string][out] */
        _Outptr_result_maybenull_  LPWSTR* sid);

    // ICredentialProviderCredential3
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetBitmapBufferValue(__in DWORD fieldID,
        __out DWORD* pImageBufferSize, __out BYTE** ppImageBuffer);

    // ICredentialProviderCredential4
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTextFieldMaxLength(__in DWORD dwFieldID, __out DWORD* pMaxLength);

If you need to support Windows 10 and later OS, I would use ICredentialProviderCredential4 instead of the older ICredentialProviderCredential interface.

Additionally, you may also derive your credential class from and implement the IConnectableCredentialProviderCredential, ICredentialProviderCredentialWithFieldOptions and ICredentialProviderCredentialTileDataInfo to gain access to the following methods:

    // IConnectableCredentialProviderCredential
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Connect(_In_ IQueryContinueWithStatus* pqcws);
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Disconnect();

    // ICredentialProviderCredentialWithFieldOptions
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetFieldOptions(
        /* [in] */ DWORD fieldID,
        /* [annotation][out] */

    // ICredentialProviderCredentialTileDataInfo
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetTileVisibility(__in BOOL bVisibile);
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTileVisibility(__out PBOOL pbVisibile);

The declarations for undocumented interfaces are:

ICredentialProviderCredential3 : ICredentialProviderCredential2
	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetBitmapBufferValue(__in DWORD dwFieldID,
		__out DWORD * pImageBufferSize, __out BYTE * *ppImageBuffer) = 0;

ICredentialProviderCredential4 : ICredentialProviderCredential3
	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTextFieldMaxLength(__in DWORD dwFieldID, __out DWORD * pMaxLength) = 0;

ICredentialProviderCredential5 : ICredentialProviderCredential4
	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetAccessibilityTextForField(_In_ DWORD dwFieldID, _Out_ PWSTR* ppszText) = 0;
	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIsAccessibilityViewRawForField(_In_ DWORD dwFieldID, _Out_ BOOL* pbRaw) = 0;

ICredentialProviderCredentialTileDataInfo : public IUnknown
	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetTileVisibility(__in BOOL bVisibile) = 0;
	virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTileVisibility(__out PBOOL pbVisibile) = 0;

Note that the IConnectableCredentialProviderCredential interface is especially useful if you want to have access to the credential provider's UI during the login process, say if such process may take a longer time to complete. (One example would be the use of a companion device, such as a smartphone, for a form of the MFA login.)

The Connect method is invoked before GetSerialization callback, so you can perform all lengthy login and serialization there and pass the result into the GetSerialization callback to return to the host process. The IConnectableCredentialProviderCredential interface provides access to the status text message that is displayed to the user, as well as to the "Cancel" button that can be used to cancel a lengthy login process:

Windows 11 Login
Example of the Connect method implementation in Windows 11.
The IConnectableCredentialProviderCredential interface is used by the Windows itself for some slower pre-logon PLAP providers, such as 802.1x.


In the next part of this mini-series on credential providers lets review a sequence of callbacks that a credential provider receives to better understand what happens under the hood, as well as to learn how one can write a wrapper to an existing (system) credential provider to expand its functionality.

See you in part 2.

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